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Loop hydrogenation reactors supplier in China

HXCHEM provides customized loop hydrogenation reactors;Loop pressure reactors; Hydrogenation reactors; Loop reactors; Hydrogenation reactor supplier in china.

A jet loop reactor is a batch or continuous reactor that consists of a reactor autoclave, circulating pump, heat exchanger, filter and piping that forms a loop. The reactants enter the loop through the jet mixer where they react, and the product leaves the loop through a cross flow filter. designed to achieve high mass transfer rates and homogeneous mixing while safely ensuring the necessary heat duty for the chemical reaction. Jet loop reactors can be used in many processes such as: 

Hydrogenation ; Amination ; Alkylation ; Carbonylation ; Chlorination  ; Ethoxylation ; Nitrolation ; Oxidation ; Phosgenation

Loop hydrogenation reactors


Continuous jet loop reactors are usually smaller than a batch reactor that makes the same amount of product. Gas—liquid reactions and reactions utilizing liquid or solid catalysts often depend on dispersion of the gas/liquid/catalyst in the reactor, and a jet loop reactor design improves this mixing, while reducing the reactor size and increasing the process yields. The reaction mixer is in fact a high-performance gassing tool. The reaction pump circulates fluid through a nozzle, which increases the velocity and pressure on the outlet side – the so-called «Venturi effect». This effect is used in two ways by a HXCHEM Reactor Autoclave. First, the high-speed jet entrains a large amount of gas as it enters the reaction vessel. Second, the vacuum it creates, is used to draw gas from the reactor headspace back into the jet mixer.

Loop pressure reactors 

These key features result in precious benefits:

Shorter reaction times

Catalyst saving

Optimized reaction volume and productivity

constant quality

Flexibility both for single product and multipurpose plants

Linear scale-up

Tailored heat exchange

Operability of the headspace gas phase

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